DC & Warner Bros' three-part Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths animated series starts airing from early 2024, following the events of 2020's Apokolips War, and John Constantine in the House of Mystery 2022. The show depicts a Multiverse reality in which hundreds of Earths exist in parallel; each Earth has superheroes with the same name, same abilities, but somewhat of different personalities and fates. Upon learning about the existence of the Multiverse, the heroes seek to connect with each other; but that is also the time when they face the truth that the infinite Earths would inevitably perish.
Showing posts with label Apokolips War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apokolips War. Show all posts
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths 2024
Author: Admin on July 21, 2024 No comments:
Animation Film
Apokolips War
DC - Warner Bros
Dr. Fate
John Constantine
Justice League
Justice League Dark
Miracle Machine
Psycho Pirate
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Post the Apokolips War: John Constantine imprisoned in the House of Mystery [Justice League Dark 2022]
“Constantine: The House of Mystery” is DC - Warner Bros's 2022 animated short (27 minutes) that follows the events of the 2020 Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.
@John Constantine: The House of Mystery 2022 © The CW, CTV Sci-Fi Channel, BBC One, iPlayer, Salto, TF1 Television Francaise 1, DVD, Blu-Ray, 📺.
After the Justice League Dark's defeat and barely surviving in the attack on Darkseid's center, the Earth was nearly ruined and largely perished; Constantine devised a plan to have Flash enter his speedforce to create a Flash Point, then Constantine uses a spell to change the past, which means changing the present and future of the universe.
Constantine wakes up to find himself in a strange house, completely unaware of what happened and why he is in this house. He opens the door to a room and unexpectedly meets his close friends, his wife Zatanna Zatara and unexpected two children. After a few moments of initial happiness, all his beloved soon turn into demons and torment Constantine mercilessly. The torture repeats itself over and over, and Constantine lives in endless bloody cutting/splashing/beheading/tearing-apart, lasting for centuries.
Constantine manages to get out of the house and is stopped by Spectre. Spectre says that Constantine had upset the order of the universe and is being punished with eternal imprisonment in the House of Mystery. This can be understood that Constantine's plan to "Flash Point" and change the past after the Apokolips war was successful.
Constantine asks Spectre to publicly announce his sentence and Specter does so. However, this is a trick of Constantine so that the demons Constantine sold his soul to know his whereabouts and come to collect their "debt".
When the "creditor" demons appears, not one but three, Constantine used a trick to bind them in a magical circle and used their portal to escape from the house.
Out in space, Constantine meets Spectre again. Spectre further explains that the purpose of the House is to help Constantine live an eternal and happy life with the people he loves; But because of guilt feelings, or because he felt he did not deserve to have a happy ending, Constantine himself turned his loved ones into demons.
Spectre also states that the universe is actually a living thing, and that the House was a way to shield Constantine from the universe's revenge; However, now the window leading to the house is closed and the universe starts drawing Constantine into for restitution.
Author: Admin on April 26, 2022 No comments:
Animation Film
Apokolips War
DC - Warner Bros
John Constantine
Justice League
Justice League Dark
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