FANCIMES: Loki Season 1
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Showing posts with label Loki Season 1. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2021

What are the strengths and weapons of Kang in his universe conquers?

The 2021 Loki series has officially set the environment for Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as … multiverse, with multiple timelines, realities and each and every character having a chance to give rise to one or more variants of their own. Given this context, every Marvel character, even dead, are likely to reappear on screen not in flashback, but in their real-time variant form.

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(2021) on IMDb


Marvel can bring Thanos back to life on this the 3rd conquest of Earth, or maybe the Deviants  want to rule the Earth if we consider the movie Eternals - Immortal Race is coming to the end of the year. 2021. Another high possibility is that a mutant of Kang in Loki will become a villain. However, the new phase of Marvel Cinema will last many years, many new Avengers will be identified, and many villains will appear instead of a single villain.

If the scenario in the Comics repeats, there will be a great war between the Avengers and Kang. Kang easily conquered the Earth in the 40th century when it was devastated by war, and at that time it was no longer and green and resourceful planet. Kang wanted to conquer a green Earth in his past as it is now in the 21st century.

So what is Kang's strength in the fight with the Avengers?

Basically, Kang is an ordinary person, with no superhuman abilities, however he has the most advanced technology-integrated weapons, armor and tools that he has amassed throughout galaxies and throughout the ages. 


Kang's appearance are often associated with this giant gun - it's his iconic.

If fired at low frequency, ultra-diode rays from the gun can change the mind and will of the subject, making them hypnotized and believe in every Kang's words and follow Kang's every commands. If Wanda - Scarlet Witch's hypnosis or enchantment brings a subject into a dreamscape for a short time, ultra-diode rays can cause the subject to be completely controlled by Kang for a long time, even years.

If fired at a high frequency, the ultra-diode will trap the targets and prevent them from exercising their supernatural powers or magic. In Marvel Comics, this magic gun helped Kang easily neutralize the power of the Avengers and capture them.

In Loki Season 1, it is possible that TVA's Headquarters is located in the energy field of the ultra-diode that makes it impossible for Loki, or any other superhero or mutant, to deploy their powers; the infinity stones also become so useless. This magnetic field may also be the reason why TVA's staffs completely believed in Miss Minutes' words, believed in TVA's glorious purpose, and totally forgot about their true identity and past. And yes, it's just Fancimes' theory and we hope this would be properly explained in Marvel's next movies and shows.


Purple - yes, it's the color of Kang.

Kang's battle armor is produced from a rare synthetic alloy from the 40th century. It is neuro-kinetic, meaning it responds to his subconscious thoughts and he can operate it just with his thoughts instead of using voice commands or touch-pad. 

Though Kang has no powers, the armor endows him with rough equivalents of super-human abilities, just like the Red Armor for Tony Stark. 

  • Enhanced Strength: It empowers Kang the ability to lift upto 5 tons.
  • Durability: The armor has a built-in force shield that extends outward to 20 feet in all directions like sphere which can withstand even a nuclear strike at point blank range.
  • Anti-Gravity Device: A device in the gauntlets of the armor allows him to render objects weighing up to 2.2 tons weightless.
  • Hologram Communicator: It's built into the right wrist, helps him to stay in contact with his bases from any point in the timeline.
  • Time Travel: The armor can create temporal divergences, giving him the ability to travel through and manipulate time, in a more convenient way than the TemPad.
  • Concussive Bolts: Kang can fire concussive blasts from the finger tips of his gauntlets, with the force of several tons of dynamite.
  • Weaponry Supply: By cracking his fingers, Kang can summon any number of weapons through the timelines instantly.
  • Electric Shock: By flexing his muscles, Kang can activate a powerful electric shock.
  • Survival Kit: Kang's armor has a self-contained atmosphere, 30 day supply of food, and waste disposal system. This helps him survive in any enviroment and atmosphere, even without oxygen.
  • Body Transference: Kang employs nano-technology in his helmet's circuitry that enables him to transfer his mind into a new body at the moment of death.
As described above, his armor's performance is much more than a state-of-the-art battleship. Kang once said, his armor is capable of crashing the moon to pieces.


It is a non-aerodynamic, space-worthy vehicle, and is mostly a housing for the large energy-generating devices that power the Time Machine. 

The time machine bridge the timelines by generating a chronal-displacement internal field, enabling a being or object to break through the "reality walls" of the current timeline into the trans-temporal realm of Limbo, from which all time eras and alternate realities are accessible.

The Time Machine can send Kang through time unencumbered. It can also remotely snatch people or objects from other timelines and places. The entire time machine can also move itself in apparatus with him, this helps him to have immediate access to the machine, and he can safeguard against its unauthorized use.

It has view screens permitting Kang to peer into other times and places by the dispatching of flying, micro-video cameras able to broadcast through time. He also has a wrist-sized viewscreen monitor that can be tuned to the master video screen.


The Infinity Stones are extremely valuable to the Avengers and they had to sacrifice a lot to get, get back or just borrow any of them. But for Kang, these stones are just paperweights for TVA staff.

Kang can have many of such stones, after erasing countless other timelines. And in theory, Kang could easily possess any powerful weapons in the galaxy just by capturing a variant of the owner. 

As in Episode 5 of Loki, in the garbage dump of the Void, we find Thor's hammer Mjolnir lying rusty like a scrap and Kang didn't mind to get it, among other "valuable" things.

We are all looking forward to the epic battle between Kang and the Avengers, of course if Marvel had a plot for it!




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Saturday, July 17, 2021

How Kang became the Multiverse Conqueror in Marvel Comics? 👦

The 2021 Loki series has  introduced a popular character in the Marvel Comics but never appeared before on any Marvel movie, Kang the Conqueror. Finally, Kang is revealed to be the Time Keeper - the founder and ruler of the TVA Time Variance Authority that specializes in pruning time variants and their realities in order to maintain a single timeline. So why and how Kang acquired the title "the Conqueror of the Universes"?

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(2021) on IMDb


Kang's cinematic background we know so far comes only from what he told Loki and Sylvie in the final episode of Loki Season 1. While it's possible that Marvel will build Kang's character in cinema differently to that in comics, the title "Conqueror" is used in both areas.


In the Marvel comics, Kang is originally Nathaniel Richards, a 31st-century scholar passionate with history, science (especially physics), the arts of manipulation (roughly as a psychologist), and most of all, the ability to "steal" other people's technology. Nathaniel accidentally discovered the time travel technology created by Victor von Doom and used it for his later endless time travelling.


Bored with the peaceful and beautiful reality of the 31st Century, he decided to travel back in time to ancient Egypt on a Sphinx-shaped time-ship and became Pharaoh Rama-Tut. As a speculator for the future, Nathaniel was hatching a plan for En Sabah Nur to succeed him on the throne.

En Sabah Nur was destined to become the mutant Apocalypse (refer to the movie X-Men: Apocalypse 2016) – one of the most powerful characters on the planet and Nathaniel wanted to be the one in control of the most powerful one.

However, Nathaniel's plan (in the incarnation of Pharaoh Rama-Tut) was ruined before it could be materialized when he was defeated by the Fantastic Four when the team accidentally fell into the Ancient Egyptian timeline.


The depressed and disappointed Nathaniel decided to travel back to his main 31st Century, however a time storm blew him into the 20th century on Earth. Here, Kang embodied Scarlet Centurion and plotted to wipe out the Avengers.

To do this, he traveled back in time to a point when the Avengers were just beginning their careers, trying to create a subversive event (like the nexus in Loki) that led to the creation of an alternate reality in which variants of Avengers existed. He controlled the variants' minds with his Ultra-Diode Ray.

Nathaniel then mobilized this variant team of Avengers to kill the mainstream Avengers, however the Avengers discovered the truth and managed to get Nathaniel out of the 20th century timeline.


The failed and deeply-depressed Nathaniel wanted to return to the guise of Pharaoh Rama-Tut in ancient Egypt, but he was drawn to the 40th century. And here the time has come for him.

He discovered a war-torn human society in which people didn't understand the technology they were using (perhaps this is true, when everything is available, people just use them and gradually forget how they were made).

Here, Nathaniel with his centuries of scientific knowledge easily crafted the iconic purple armor, possessed the cutting-edge weapons and technology of the time, and it didn't take long for him to conquer and rule the Earth.

One earth seemed never enough for him, he soon moved on to conquering the entire galaxies and officially called himself Kang the Conqueror.


Kang's continuous time travel created nexus events that overturned the main timeline, giving rise to many different timelines and many variants of Kang. What all these variants had in common is the ability to time travel. In that way you can imagine how many “nexus” events were being created exponentially!

Later, in Episode 6 of Loki, Kang told the two Lokis, “To some of us, new worlds meant only one thing, new lands to be conquered. The peace between realities erupted into all-out war, each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others. This was almost the end, ladies and gentlemen, of everything and everyone."

If Kang's accounts were true, then the Kang in Loki may have not been actually Kang the Conqueror, but a Kang Variant instead. This Kang Variant with the TVA and Alioth had quelled the multiverse war, which meant eliminating, maybe pruning, the other Kangs (possibly even the mainstream Kang - Nathaniel) to become He Who Remains - the sole survivor among all Kangs.

  • Jack Veal...Kid Loki




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    Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    Loki Episode 6: Empty Void and the Beginning of Multiverse War? 🎥

    In the episode "My Unorthodox Life", at the secret castle in the Void, Loki and Sylvie meet the founder and ruler of the Time Variance Authority TVA , known as the "He Who Remains".

    @ Disney+

(2021) on IMDb


    With the rustic and casual look and style of an ordinary person, the He Who Remains introduces himself by many names, including the Conqueror, without the given name Kang. Under great threat, he convinces the two Lokis to sit down so that he can visually tell the history of TVA.

    Accordingly, a Variant of Kang in the 31st century discovered the existence of a multiverse as well as a method of time travel. This Variant sought to come into contact with other Kang variants in other timelines and share knowledge, experience, and technology.

    After the initial fusion, several Kang Wariants who did not have the pure of heart arose with ambitions to take over other universes, leading to mutual carnage between the Kang Variants and the Multiverse War.

    Kang has lived through millions of timelines, and devised a way to create TVA and Alioth –  the monster that can consume both time and space. Those are the two tools that helped Kang prune the Variants and their realities and thereby quelled the Multiverse War, bringing the single-line timeline to work stably.

    Kang suggest that both Lokis take over and rule the TVA to continue operating the single-line timeline. He also warns that, if he was killed, it would create a power hole in the universe, countless branch timelines would grow leading to a recurrence of the Multiverse War; at the same time, countless Kang Variants will appear and they would have not only one devil but infinite amount.

    Loki has a belief in Kang's story, however Sylvie does not and she is determined to kill Kang at all costs. Loki stands up to stop Sylvie doing so and the two have a brief duel. In the midst of the rivalry, Loki reveals that he does not care about the position of Lord of Asgard or Ruler of TVA, but only worried about Sylvie's safety. The two kiss passionately, but Sylvie takes the opportunity of romance smoke to push Loki into the time portal. She stabs and kills Kang.

    By the time Kang died, the timeline had begun to branch out strongly; shortly after Kang's death, the countless timelines branch off and they further branch off again into smaller branches. Just like that, it's now impossible to recognize the mainstream timeline in the  multiverse scenario - the cosmic.

    After being pushed through the time portal by Sylvie, Loki falls into TVA Headquarters, where he runs off to find Mobius and Hunter B-15, but neither of them appear to recognize him or know who he is. He is even further shocked to see that 3 of TVA's Time Keepers statues (Robots) were gone, but instead is now the statue of Kang. It's very possible that our mainstream Loki now is in a different timeline, in a different universe, at a different TVA, and the faced ruler is a Variant of Kang.

    Thus, the Loki series has changed a bit the monster Alioth in the comics. In the comics, Alioth is a monster that invades universes, causing Kang to create a barrier to prevent it from encroaching on his universe; in this show, Alioth is an entity created by Kang to consume the Variants's realities in order to prevent the multiverse war.

    See you again in Loki Season 2!




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