In the Fantastic Beasts franchise, each movie introduces a mystical creature that plays a central role. In movie 1 Where to find them, the main summoned beast is the Thunderbird, in movie 2 The Crime of Grindelwald is Zouwu, and in now-in-theaters The Secrets of Dumbledore the central magical creature is the Qilin or Qirin.
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Movie 3 of the series follows Grindelwald's plot to get acquitted after the Paris massacre in the previous installment; while aiming for the title of Supreme Mugwump (Head of the International Confederation of Wizards) all over the world.
The leaders of the wizarding world gather in Bhutan to elect the Supreme Mugwump according to a traditional ritual: a rare Qilin will be released on the stands to select and bow to those who have a pure heart.
To prepare for this plan, Grindelwald sends his subordinates, including Credence Barebone, to attack and kill a Qilin mother who had just given birth, taking the cub back. Grindelwald then kills the infant Qilin in order to exploit its perceptual abilities, thereby learning of Dumblore's plans.
Before the Supreme Mugwump Election Convention takes place, Grindelwald uses magic to reincarnate the dead infant Qilin, obviously without a soul now, and makes it kneel before him.
However, Grindelwald was unaware that the mother Qilin had given birth to twins, and Newt saved the other cub. Dumblore plans to bring this little one to the Elections Convention to uncover Grindelwald's scheme.
The film has the appearance of two close creatures of Newt, the Niffler and the Bowtruckle; both play certain roles in the progression of the film. When Newt was knocked unconscious, Bowtruckle opened Newt's magical case on his own, and Niffler got in and called out "a giant mallard" that flew out to bring the team home.
Two other Fantastic Beasts movies are in development.