FANCIMES: Moon Knight Season 1 Episode 4: A Maze Amazing in Alexander the Great's Tomb

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Moon Knight Season 1 Episode 4: A Maze Amazing in Alexander the Great's Tomb

In Episode 4/6 of the Moon Knight Series, "The Tomb", thanks to the star map's positioning, Steven and Layla enter Ammit's Tomb before Arthur can do so.

@Moon Knight - 2022 © Marvel Studios, Disney+,  📺.

Moon Knight
(2022) on IMDb


From the motifs and characters on the relics in the tomb, Steven believes that this is the long-lost tomb of Alexander the Great (Kingdom of Macedonia). Steven's theory is that Alexander the Great was the "Voice" or embodiment of Goddess Ammit.

Assuming Ammit's soul will be bond to a Ushabti; Steven tries to get into Alexander mummy's intestines to get it.

Slower than Steven in finding the mummy, Arthur cunningly tries to stir up conflict between Layla and Marc over the death of Layla's father. This causes Layla and Marc to argue for a while, giving Arthur's followers enough time to drag to the mummy and get Marc surrounded.

Arthur shoots Marc several times; but it seems this make the Marc and Steven personalities to split into independent people, possibly because Marc was holding Ammit's Ushabti or some other mysterious reason.


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