Battle at Big Rock is a 2019 short film directed by Colin Trevorrow who is the director of several Jurassic-themed movies. This is part of the Jurassic Park series, and follows the events of Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom (2018). The film lasts about 9 minutes but there are quite a few vivid dinosaurs on scene.
Allosaurus and Nasutoceratops. Link to watch the movie at the end of this article.
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Set a year after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, a mixed family from Oakland, California goes camping at the (fictional) Big Rock National Park in Northern California, 32km from the site where dinosaurs was released in the previous event. The film records the first major confrontation between humans and dinosaurs in the human world.
The family is enjoying their dinner during a camping trip at the park when suddenly a Nasutoceratops and its young arrive at the campfire. To their horror, an adult Allosaurus attacks the Nasutoceratops and the mother reptile tries to protect her young. A battle takes place between two dinosaurs and the family decides to hide inside their truck.
Finally, a third Nasutoceratops appeared from the forest shadow, confronting the Allosaurus. The Nasutoceratops then escape in safe, the family's baby begins to cry. Hearing the sound, the Allosaurus approaches to destroy the RV to hunt down the panicking family members inside. At the critical moment, the family's daughter uses a crossbow to shoot Allosaurus in its head and eyes, causing the dinosaur to run away.
In the credits, some short clips introduce people "living together" with dinosaurs: a swarm of Compsognathus harmlessly chasing a frightened little girl; a Stegosaurus causing a car to deflect and likely fall off a cliff; fishermen in a boat peacefully passing a Parasaurolophus on the riverbank; a pore-shaped Mosasaurus snatching a great white shark after it had just eaten a seal, and one Pteranodon swooping in on a newly released pigeon by a couples at their wedding.